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Life Update- A Lot Has Changed


I've always been honest on here in the nine years Sincerely Sparks has existed, and when it comes to my lifestyle posts, I want to share a lot. Sometimes it will be with excitement other times it will be with dread and procrastination, unfortunately, today is one of those posts I've avoided making because it's on something I never thought I'd be writing about. 

But here it is. 

I'm no longer engaged to or with Nicolai. I'm also back in the UK and living with my parents again. 

Moving back to the UK was something I've always had in the back of my mind as a possibility, but being single again would have never been something I could see happening until it did happen. A part of me feels like I failed, and another part of me is mourning the dream life I built that was gone in a matter of days. One positive is that I don't miss the relationship or the person I was in that relationship with. I guess that's what happens when you're heart is truly broken by someone. 

So how did this all happen? Well, without making this post too negative and without it being a defamation of character about my ex, a lot of things contributed to our separation. I could not stand the person I was with, since the person I was in love with no longer was there. People change despite you knowing them for over a decade. That change can happen out of nowhere and shock you to your core- that was the case in this relationship. And it made the decision to end things a lot easier for me. 

And now I'm a little more settled back home in London and content with the decisions made in June. I miss Denmark and my dear friends whom I still talk to daily. I'll always consider Denmark my second home and the location where I am most proud to look back on and say "I lived there all on my own in my early 20s". 

Soon, there will be more positive posts here and plenty of fun new subjects to speak on- like my usual fashion posts, as well as lifestyle subjects like dating as a newly single person and hopes for my future which seems ever so open to new possibilities and unpredicatableness. 
