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Hi! I Am Back. Where I Have Been, How I Have Been Doing, And Whats To Come Next.

 Hi. I know, I was gone for a while- sorry about that. A LOT happened... 2021 was a whirlwind of emotions, experiences and honestly, I was just trying to keep my head above water while living in a completely different environment to the one where I had a security blanket which was my parents, back home in the UK. (Still no regrets in moving though). 

The big C, deaths in the family, health scares. My family and I had a lot to deal with. Amongst all that, there of course was some good though. Things I've been excited to write about on here since I know some people aren't following my everyday going ons that I post on my social media. So here's what I've gotten up to while I was away and what's to come now I am back. 

I was on a Danish TV show: Luksusfælden

Here in Denmark, there is a well-known TV show that helps Danes with their money troubles. Nicolai sent off his application for the show and was contacted quickly after with the news that they were interested in featuring us. Without mentioning any spoilers, we were delighted but also nervous since our episode was going to be based on Nicolai, his ADHD impulse spending, university debts, and our wedding plans. It sure was an experience; there were tears, home truths and they even kept in a few funny moments our friends have turned into GIFs. The show turned out to be super helpful for us and gave me a taste of what it's like to be on reality TV- without the MTV or Bravo type producing. You can check out our episode here (though be mindful it is mostly in Danish). 

I made several trips to the UK

After getting caught in the UK lockdown that ended up keeping me there until the end of January 2021, I thought I wouldn't feel the need to return home to see family for a good while, however, I ended up flying back and forth in June, August - September, and then once more in November - December. Thank god my Danish residency job allows me to work from home and in the country we do business with. I think although I can survive a few months without a cuddle from my cat, I'll never really be able to say I live only in Denmark. Im either here or back in the UK and that's what works for me because unfortunately, I can't be in two places at once (which is something I have had to learn the hard way a few times this last year). Note: I did each trip while following all covid guidelines as well as wearing two masks and getting all my vaccines. 

I'm learning more Danish without schooling

I am quickly picking up more Danish and using it sporadically where I can. Not quite at a conversational level yet but I'm making good progress and enjoying my friends' reactions when they notice I'm using a new word. 

I got to see my favourite band after 14 years 

Anyone who knows me in person knows I am a massive McFly fan. Since 2003 I have seen them live a handful of times. However with their long break, their announcements that they were back together and then covid postponing those concerts, I was holding my breath as to if I would ever see them live again. Thankfully in September and November, I could finally breathe again and cringingly I felt whole. I even got to take my fiance to see them which was something we've spoken about doing together for almost 10 years. This was definitely a highlight of 2021. 

I got to finally experience a Danish Christmas and New Years

One thing Nicolai and I always spoke about doing was celebrating Christmas together one year, and finally, in 2021 we got to do just that. It was strange not to be home with my family in the UK but cool to experience a Christmas with my fiance. The Danes definitely celebrate different to us Brits, with candles on the tree, dancing around the tree, celebrating on the 24th and opening presents in the evening. If I could combine both cultures into one Christmas, I would in a heartbeat. All that was missing was my family and a few favourites from the Christmas Dinner we do back home. As for New Years,. Just after the clocks hit 12, we decided to let some off some fireworks ourselves while playing Madness on vinyl (a lil something from home that I've always loved doing), and then took a long walk around our town to watch others set off fireworks. Fun fact- setting off fireworks is illegal in Denmark other than during Christmas and New Year, so of course, Danes take full advantage of how fun they can be and celebrate with the biggest of BANGS. 

I got a second job 

I was missing working in fashion so applied for a few sales jobs in Copenhagen. Turns out I did pretty well with a few offers and decided to take on a full time position with the Swedish mens brand J.Lindeberg. Ive been loving this role and to be back working with a clientele face to face (something I rarely experience with my residency job). The brand of course isn't vintage in its style so my work outfits have had to change a little, however I have enjoyed the challenge and now incorporate a lot of vintage elements into my outfits which you can head over to my Instagram to see in my story highlights, if you like. 

Now as for what's to come next. I have a few plans in terms of Sincerely Sparks- besides the obvious that is posting more on here this year, I also want to start posting boudoir content on a different platform to social media and this Blogspot (updates on that will be on my Instagram), and something completely out of the ordinary for me will be Streaming. With my fiance introducing me to video games and streaming to an audience, I thought why not start doing it myself? Content will range from fashion-related things to playing games, to just simply chatting. I'm really looking forward to doing something new since I have really caught the flare for it now. 

Apologies again for being gone for so long. This blog and you guys reading were well missed in my life and I am so glad to be back and feeling ready to create again. 
