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I Moved To Denmark... Surprise!


First off, hi, it has been a couple months since I was last on here and secondly, this post is a lil overdue... sorry settling in with work and living has taken my full attention these last few weeks. So I've moved to Denmark, a little earlier than anyone was expecting. Even I and Nicolai were surprised at how quickly everything came together and fell into place but our lil flat in a town called Slagelse is already feeling like home for me and I couldn't be happier at how smoothly the move has gone. 

My grand plan this year was always to move and the fact I've done it now has left me stressed, to say the least, but I didn't do it alone, Nicolai came over the week before to spend some time with my family (ease my mum's worries of me being so far away) and to help keep me sane while I travelled with two face masks on and a whole lot of anxiety in my back pocket. Haha, that anxiety was the worst I've experienced in years! Once we got here I felt the need to transform our bedroom straight away and with a few IKEA pieces, it's finally starting to look how I envisioned. To the annoyance of my fiancĂ©, I am a perfectionist and have a few more plans to execute before I'm 100% happy with the space. It has been fun decorating though, as some of you may know for the last couple of years I have slept in my parents' living room on a sofa bed- a comfy one at that but still a sofa none the less. So to have an actual bedroom again has been exciting. 

The day I'm writing this, is also the day I got my keys to our flat so enjoy all these photos of me very excited and giddy holding a key. Cheese.

I thought I'd add a few answered questions in here, though I doubt anyone wants to know the ins and outs of my move I'll likely still have people messaging me later asking or a person whos wandered on here (hi) and knows nothing about me and needs filling in. 

Why Did I choose to go ahead with the move during COVID? If it was a country I was planning to move to that had high numbers of COVID cases, then I would have held off till it was safe for me as a diabetic to travel, however, Denmark's cases are fairly low in comparison to other countries and their health care is just as good if not better than the UK's, and with fewer people in Denmark than London alone, I'm safer working and living here atm than I was working my old job during the pandemic in London. 

How was flying during a pandemic? The idea of being amongst people in a tin can with wings had my anxiety raging. The flight was one of the worst I've been on due to turbulence and shockingly there wasn't much social distancing, thankfully I didn't have anyone sat in the seat next to me and everyone as far as I could see was wearing masks. Will I be flying again during the pandemic? Let's just hope this is all over before December (ha one can hope) so I can visit my family for Christmas. 

What are my plans now I've moved? Well, I have a few actually. Not being long distance with Nicolai anymore is a breath of fresh air. I forget that our time together is never-ending and that we don't have to spend every second of it together, so with that in mind I plan to kickstart a new everyday routine into gear and enjoy my new surroundings- Slagelse is very different to Notting Hill, that's for sure. I also plan to blog more and post more photos since I have a tech-savvy right-hand man (Nicolai) to play photographer for me whenever now. And for those who may be wondering about our wedding... we aren't planning on anything too soon as we just want to enjoy this step we've taken in our relationship journey first. However, my Pinterest board is still getting new things added weekly and I did get my ring updated to the ring my mum had that I've always loved which means our engagement photoshoot may be happening in the near future, the ring nor the distance is holding us back from doing it now. Yay!


  1. What do you do for a living? How were you able to find a job in another country? Do you speak Danish?

    1. Thank you for your comment! Ive done many things within Fashion, most recently I was a bridal consultant in London. I still work in a sales role but in a different industry to fashion. I got the job through networking- best way to do it here in Denmark. I speak a little bit of Danish and can read it well.


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