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What I Learnt About Myself From Using Dating Apps

It's been a long time since I've used a dating app (hello- Im engaged), however, Its a time in my life that I'll never forget. Two out of four of the guys I class as ex-boyfriends, I had met online and the rest have been either one or two dates or a dating period of no more than 4 months till we called it quits. I definitely have some stories I could tell however I think what I can really take from meeting people and dating off of apps is how it changed me, affected me, and taught me.  

I trust too easily. 
This won't surprise many people, I tend to trust easily in almost any situation, I guess that comes from my 'try to hope for the best' approach to almost everything I do and where dating was concerned, I left my wits at home and took some silly chances. Luckily I never ran into a catfish and I never got hurt physically but that doesn't mean I was always treated well on dates. Like the time a guy 'forgot his wallet" and I paid his side of the bill, only to then notice he had it the whole time as he used the underground to come and meet me. Safe to say now I'm happily engaged, I don't come across that type anymore and I definitely started to learn how to spot people with the not so best of intentions.

I take rejection well. 
There's this view that confident people don't handle rejection well and I'll be honest and say I surprised myself when I started to notice how well I take rejection. Reality is, you're not going to be everyone's type and there will be times where you get the awkward rejection face to face when using dating apps as well. The way I handled things wasn't to put down the other person, be rude, or take it personally at all. Instead I always- no matter what was said to me replied with "fair enough, well I wish you all the best". I think looking back now I'm pretty proud of myself for that. Poised me wins every time.

I am old-school in more ways than I thought. 
I don't just dress the part, it would seem I act it (in ways) too. I remember getting told off by a friend when I mentioned this date idea a guy had and how I thought it was way too out there for a first date. In reality, it wasn't and I was being a complete princess turning my nose up to lack of romance that date entailed. To be fair it was a pretty fun date once I gave it a chance, I still prefer a nice meal though!

It's funny how using these apps can work out differently for each person on them. In my work, I come across a surprising amount of people who have met their significant others online, especially from tinder. I like to think I had the best of both world- I got to experience what it was like to online date but my happy ending was with someone I met naturally before tinder even existed. That period of my life definitely made me wiser and opened me up to the real world more so I can now look at it more positively and recommend anyone to try it, even if you don't find love, you can find yourself.

Have you tried dating apps? Did they work for you or did you go back to the old school way of meeting people naturally
