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How's Quarantine Going Sparks?

So I'm writing this the day after I found out I'd be receiving 80% of my work pay, thank you government! But let's be real, being in quarantine is still shit because it's not the norm for most of us. The UK has never looked prettier with fewer people around, and the great weather we're having is a blessing for our mental health, however, I am still sitting at home, going stir crazy because I am not on my feet for 10 hours a day working. It's a strange occurrence when you wake up in the morning and don't ask yourself "who am I working with today? what am I wearing today? and realise you've slept till 2pm. And when I'm not sleeping half the day away and actually getting my butt out of bed, I do actually have things to spend this endless time doing. 


Trialling wedding hairstyles
So it's uncertain times and I have no idea when I'll be getting married now, however, I can't shake the worry I have for my wedding hair. I most certainly won't be hiring someone to do it (so I can keep costs down) and because I've been known to be terrible at hair styling I thought if I started to practice I may surprise myself and find something easy to do that works with my very thin hair. So far... mixed results. I've tried a 1940s pageboy hairstyle I loved (check it out here), but I preferred it for an evening vintage look rather than for my wedding and then I failed miserably trying out a french twist because my hair has layers. I guess I just need to keep trying and I reckon I'll find something that works by around august this year which will allow my worries to float away (hopefully accompanied by these covid19 ones also).

I feel like I've got my mojo back. I've returned with a bang! Due to my job hours being so intense I had no time or energy to blog but about a week into my isolation, I found I had so many ideas and all the time in the world to execute them, finally! I currently have 21 draft blog posts you'll hopefully be reading for the next couple of months. but if you haven't already- go check out some of the posts I've recently posted- there's some good content there, if I do say so myself.

Learning a new language
One thing I said I'd do but had failed to specify when was learn danish. I don't think I fear to fail but I definitely fear to make mistakes and a fool out of myself but with a little encouragement from a friend, I downloaded Duolingo and am two weeks into my lessons after knowing about 10 words/sentences before. So far I've found the written work to be easier than the spoken- damn my British accent but I'm sure with the little to no distractions I have at the moment, I'll be ready to speak more by the time I next visit.

Books and music have not been enough escapism for me the last couple of months so thank god for podcasts because without them I'd have very quiet days. I pretty much listen to them while doing absolutely everything in quarantine- while I cook, while I bathe, while I do blog work, and even while I sleep (I've needed all the help I can get sleeping). My particular favourites are Drunk Women Solving Crime, SimplyPodLogical, Dressed: The History of Fashion, and Snoozecast: Stories for Sleep

Date nights
Due to the virus, Nicolais trip over in April was cancelled. It's been a challenging time for us- not being able to see each other no matter how hard we want to. We had a chat and realised we needed to stick to a routine for talking and that's where organised date nights came into play. Not just ones where we speak, but where we plan to play games together and watch movies on NetFlix via video chats. It's definitely helped us to feel closer to each other and worry less for each other's safety in different countries.

I'm no expert in isolation but over the last 6 weeks, these are the things that have helped me get through and although I can't go out, I can still live my life and I hope you can too. Tomorrow may look very similar to today- but only if you let it!


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