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Denmark- A Trip Come True

For the last seven years, Denmark has been on the top of my list of places to go. It's held a special place in my heart even before I travelled there, and as I knew so much about the culture and country from my boyfriend I had no doubts about taking the trip on my own. 

Admittedly this trip was far from a trip I'd do for blog content. It was a pretty big and personal trip for me. Other than the fact I was travelling abroad on my own for the first time ever, I was also meeting my boyfriends family and friends. It was nerve-racking, to say the least, but ended up being the most special life-changing trip I've ever been on. 

My Flights:

Flying on my own was pretty boring. But a good book and a duty-free wonder kept me occupied till my flight. I always prepare for difficulties at security as a diabetic, due to not being able to go through certain scanners because of my insulin pump. I often get stopped by several security officers wondering why I haven't gone through the normal way but this time, on both my flight there and back I had little to no issues.

Some Of The Food I Ate:


A couple of months ago I decided to become vegetarian instead of vegan due to my diabetes so thankfully I had a lot more options to what I could eat on this holiday and as my boyfriend and his friends weren't vegan either it was a lot cheaper while we were in the city. After my flight, I was starving so while I was showed around Tivoli - we ate veggie sushi at Letz Sushi. Honestly, it was the most delicious sushi I've ever had so its defo worth checking out if you're ever in the area. Something I did like was the fact if you didn't want to pay to get into the amusement park, you could still eat at the food hall which is accessible outside of the park. If only that was possible at all Disney parks! Another place in Copenhagen I was crazy about was Pincho Nation. It's a restaurant where you order and pay from an app and was such an experience. Besides the fact the food and cocktails were delicious and the perfect portion sizes for me, the actual restaurant interior was mind-blowingly unique- a circus theme throughout and popcorn served before you're even seated at your table. Im heartbroken there isn't one of these places in London. A few days later we travelled out of Copenhagen and on to the town my boyfriend lives in called Nyborg. While being shown around one morning we went into Café Brøndum for cake and oh-my-god was I in heaven eating my favourite dessert food.

The Beaches I Visited:

One of my favourite days was spent at the beach. It was a beautiful humid day and surprisingly the beach wasn't packed. I even got the boyfriend to do a little mini shoot while we were there that day. As I'm based in London I don't get to see the beach unless I go on holiday but if anything this day and the two other occasions I visited the beach on this trip, proved to me I could easily live in a seaside town, just like I did when I was little.

The Castle, The Board Game Cafe And Exploring Copenhagen's Tourist Spots:

On my second day in Denmark, My boyfriend arranged for us to be given a tour of a castle by one of his friends and it's safe to say after seven years, he knows me pretty well. I was a total performing arts kid when I was little so once I found out Kronborg Castle inspired Shakespeare's play Hamlet, the little drama nerd came out in me and I totally fangirled throughout the whole tour, even more so when I found out there were hamlet actors around the castle performing scenes. My boyfriend and his friend, however, didn't know much about the play at all so while they educated me on the real history of the castle, I educated them a small bit on Laurence Olivier and the play. Later on, we took a trip to a board game cafe called The Bastard in Copenhagen. Bonding with my boyfriend's group of friends over a game of Cards Against Humanity was brilliant and to end a pretty filled pack day we explored the Nyhavn Canal and took a trip to visit The Little Mermaid statue. All in all, it was one of my favourite days due to how much I experienced and learnt about Copenhagen. 

Visiting Freetown Christiania: 

I remember watching a video about visiting Copenhagen a few years ago, one place that was featured was The Freetown. Back then I thought "I am never going there" due to the 'The Green Light District' however my opinions have changed since then and weed doesn't seem like such a bad and naughty thing like it did when I was 15. So when I found out the boyfriend was taking me there, I was a little excited to see what it was actually like. To my surprise, it was a bit more like a tourist spot than the "no laws" "scary" type place it came across as a few years before. It was pretty in some areas, with colourful graffiti and bars and food trucks spotted around. I did stick to the rules of no photography out of respect but it was hard considering we live in a world now where our phones are stuck in our hands, but then again it was nice living in the moment and as my holiday went on, I found I was living in the moment more and more each day. 

The Rest Of My Trip And Overall Thoughts:

I got up to a lot in the 7 days I was in Denmark- besides being a tourist, I also went to a shooting range and shot riffles one afternoon, and I went clubbing in Odense and stayed out till 7am walking home on the beach and watching the sunrise but most importantly I got to spend a full week with my favourite person.

It was honestly such a special trip and the whole time I was pinching myself that I had finally done what I said I was going to do for the last seven years. Denmark is such a beautiful and colourful country and even in the seven days, I spent there I feel like I've only seen a small bit of it. Its history had me fascinated, and my boyfriend wasn't kidding over the years when he said everyone is so friendly. Besides the touristy experiences I had, I have even more reason to go over multiple times a year. Safe to say the country holds and even bigger place in my heart now. 
