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How To Pack A Carry On Efficiently

When I booked my Amsterdam holiday I found it was cheaper and less stressful to only take a carry on suitcase. My only worry was if I'd fit enough in to last me a week. It got me doing my research before I left and making sure I only took what I needed and can use multiple times. 
It also made me realise that a lot of other people must have this worry, so I thought why not share how I packed and what I packed to maybe inspire you. 

The Case

I'll admit, I struggled for a couple weeks in finding the right case. Depending on the airline, there's always a limit to how big your carry on can be. I looked at every option; weekend bags, backpacks, suitcases, and also what I already had at home as the cheapest option. I was having no luck at finding something small enough to fit the restricted measurements for the airline I was using and it was made even more difficult by the fact I wanted something I could use for other holidays. It wasn't till a week before I travelled that I found the perfect one, that being said, I wouldn't have bought it if it was full price- who doesn't love a sale, am I right?                                                                                               

My tip is to always see luggage in person before buying and not worry too much about it being aesthetically pleasing- cases get thrown about and bumped into things a lot after all.  

My go-to is always a four-wheel case, as you'll be carrying it around throughout the whole travel period so you don't want anything causing muscle strain. 

The Clothing

I've always been the type to overpack so baring that in mind for this trip I chose to repack my things three times, to make sure I only packed the essentials and things I could wear and style multiple times. I did that by trying my outfits on and planning what I was going to wear each day. I then picked out an outfit I'd only use for when travelling there and back, meaning I didn't have to pack a coat or more than one pair of shoes. One thing I always try to bear in mind when going on holiday is that I'll likely go shopping or bring back at least something for memory sake. So I always leave a little space for that. 

My tip is to roll your clothing instead of folding, it'll leave little worry for having to iron/press all of it once you've checked into your hotel and makes it easier to find everything in your case as well as giving you more space for everything else you need. 

The Beauty Products

I always try to pack light where beauty products are concerned as its easy when on a city break to find shower products etc when you're there. If there are products I need before flying though, I always buy mini versions like toothpaste and a travel toothbrush, at the airport. Makeup wise I try to pack no more than three lipstick shades and I restrict myself to only using one eyeshadow palette. my essentials are always an eyebrow pencil, mascara, lip balm and concealer. Anything else I bring all depends on the type of holiday I'm going on and the activities I'll be doing. How I pack them is what is really important though. I make sure to always use those clear bags they give you at the airport and then I pack those clear bags into a bigger travelling beauty bags so everything is protected. I then always keep that bag separate to my clothes and on the other side of my case as well as locking it in place with the case straps inside. 

The Technology 

Technology is always the easiest thing for me to pack, I keep it simple and only pack what I know I will definitely need and use. Along with the obvious thing being a phone charger and plug adaptor, I pack headphones for travelling and a portable charger in case my battery dies when Im out. Another thing I've found useful when on a city break is a translation app in case I get lost or find myself having language barrier issues. 

So there you have it, my tips for packing my carry on. packing doesnt always have to be a hassle or a chore and once you find your way of doing things it beomes a breeze. 

Do you have any tips I didn't mention? Let me know about them below!
