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How I Edit My Blog And Social Media Photos

Photography was something I didn't care much for when I first started blogging - to me the words were the most important part, however as I got older and worked in the fashion industry more I realised I needed to up my game and learn more about photography but more importantly editing.. I started to notice how much more popular my photos were when they were captured in better lighting and with better editing done and although I don't stick to a theme on my most of my social media account (especially instagram), I do like to edit each photo just that little bit.  I now spend up to two hours a day editing photos for future posts and I can say it is time well spent. I've learned a lot in the last two years and it's definitetly a trial and error for each photo but thats all apart of the fun of editing in my opinion and the more research I've done, the more I've found apps to be life savers when I can't quite get the right lighting and exposure irl. 
So since I've had a few questions recently about how I edit my photos, here's a small insight to the apps I use and how I use them. 

Photo Editor-

Photo Editor- is one of my favourite apps to start and finish my photo editing process on. It's the perfect app for when my photos need a lil touch up here and there and its has all the basics of what a photo editing app needs. Admittedly I do edit out acne with this app by using it's blemish tool. One of my favourite edit options this app has is the text tool. I use it for all my thumbnails as well as for in photo captions I occasionally add to instagram pics.  This app isn't my favourite for overall editor but is one I've used since my blog started in 2014 and I've stuck with it for how easy it is to use and as its completely free. I highly recommend it for beginners. 

Facetune 2

This is perhaps an obvious one as who isn't using Facetune for instagram? For ages I was put off using this app for that reason however after giving it a chance I realised why its so popular. What's better is t's free version is easy to use, and gives you close to the same amount of editing options as the original version, which is perfect for those of us who love to keep things free where apps and subscriptions are concerned. I use it for many things like if Photo Editor- hasn't completely vanished my acne then I'll go over my face with the smooth tool on Facetune. Another tool I use is whiten. In my opinion most photos need that white filter which helps photos to look more clean and bright. This tool is perfect for that and I tend to leave it till last so I can see if my photos need anymore adjustments before saving. I use it mostly for white backgrounds in my beauty posts and for whitening my teeth. Lets be honest Facetune is perfect if you want to completely transform your selfie so you have no imperfections, but besides my acne retouches and a lil more glow to the highlighted areas on my face, I leave the rest for more a honest and realistic edit. 


Photocollage is an app I use to arrange sets of photos. It's the only app I use for my lust lists and occasionally instagram pics, as well as mood boards I create on the go if needed for other work I do in the fashion industry. I trialed out a few similar apps and didn't find any that gave as many collage options as well as being free. This is another app I've used since I started my blog. Although I only use it for its "classic" collage arrangements, there is a more "stylish" selection that would be perfect for those of you who aren't as fussy. 

Hopefully this lil post inspired some of you to try out these apps or answered your questions on how I edit my photos. I'd love to hear what apps you're using if they aren't mentioned here, so if there are any you recommend please let me know. I'm always interested in finding new updated apps that will make my editing life easier. 
