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Advice: How to beat the Monday blues and get through the week

Mondays are a nightmare, am I right? There's nothing wrong with dreading the start of the week though, there are plenty of people who do, and I used to be one of those people. I'd constantly be heard mumbling to myself on a Sunday "ugh up in the morning, a new week, another five days of waiting for the weekend. This week is gonna drag on, and on and I'm going be rolling my eyes 20x a day waiting for that lie in on Saturday". 

That all stopped once I discovered three tips, and today I wanted to share them with you!  

  1. Smart phones are amazing for helping you get into a routine; when you use them correctly they can be a god send! Before going to bed on a Sunday, make a to-do list for the next week. I do this on my iPhone, using reminders and calendar for each day of the week. Then every day I read over what I've completed and what's left to do. These things don't just have to be errands, also add in things like drinks with friends or your favourite show. It'll help you stay focused by looking forward to things and being excited for certain events in the week.
  2. If you love fashion like I do, then plan out your outfits for that week. I love waking up on the Monday to an outfit folded on my dresser or hung up, ready to be worn and shown off. When you look good, you feel good and that definitely reflects on the people around you. 
  3. Have a daily occurrence. Mine is working out, I work out five days a week, and after each workout I feel amazing! I've been doing this for the last three months and it really helps to get me on the right track each day, I stay focused and by the end of the day, even when I haven't left the house I feel ready to have an early night and good sleep. 
