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Halloween Night.

Top/Dress- Vintage
Corset- London Tattoo Convention 
Jeans- H&M
Shoes- Office bought at Topshop

Halloween was amazing and not only because I got to dress up like a doll but also because it was my mums birthday. What a crazy night! 
This outfit I wore out to dinner, I did intend to go all out with my doll costume as the top I'm wearing here is actually a dress but when out for dinner with your family it's probably not the most appropriate look for an 18 year old out with a lot of grown ups who aren't dressed to nines for Halloween. So I came to a compromise with myself and came up with this Victorian doll like look. Can't express how much I love this dress as a top! I've had this dress for years yet I hardly wear it, why? I have no idea! It's so unusual! 
These trousers are so long and I'm not at all used to bell bottoms or flares but these jeans are just a dream! Except for the shoes I had to wear for them to not be trailing on the floor (because im so short) but sacrefices are made for gorgeous clothing and I don't regret a thing! 
